
C&J Blog Article


West End Life launch - a FAB night in Glasgow...

Another great day back home in Glasgow!  Firstly we were up with the larks to be interviewed by Closer mag about this years Im A Celebrity.  Next, at 9am, we cut the ribbon at TK Maxx's largest Scottish store.  We were greeted by approximately 1,500 lovely people, many of whom had queued since 7am!  Really great fun and OMG - the store is awesome.  Brilliant mix of designer fashion at up to 60% off plus some wonderful homewares.  REALLY impressive stuff. 

Panto rehearsals, thereafter, went really well and after they were in the bag for another day we rushed home, showered and headed out to Ashton Lane for the launch of 'West End Life'.  If you're in the west end of Glsgow look out for this lovely FREE title popping through your letter box as of Monday.  35,000 copies will arrive for expectant readers who'll learn loads about life in the funnest part of The Dear Green Place.  There's a three page spread on us as well as a useful guide to events, shopping, restaurants and bars. And loads more into the bargain.  So keep an eye out for this long overdue magazine!

After this we headed to The Blysthewood Square Hotel to enjoy the Harris Tweed fashin show which was really interesting.  It's amazing to see just how well HT are re branding.  Great textiles, wonderful fashion and impressive models, all played out against the backdrop of the former RAC headquarters.  Fabulous.

Along with some good pals, we then headed to our favourite Sauchiehall Street noodle bar where we indulged ourselves with a little late night scran. 

All in all a great day.  And now?  Another early night beckons.  Tomorrow we're extra busy with yet more panto rehearsal and various other projects...

Trust this finds you all hale and hearty,

Colin and Justin, Crushers of Crappy Kitchens xx


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