Across 18 years of biz, on TV and in the private client arena, in various countries and three continents - we've renovated somewhere in the region of 3,000 rooms. And we have befores and afters of almost every single one! And so - we begin a series of retrospectives. From bedrooms to bathrooms and from family rooms to basements we've done 'em all. Shops, hairdressing salons, houseboats, cave houses, hotels - the works! To kick things off, here's a suburban kitchen that started off like so many others. We bought great value cabinetry from IKEA Canada and sent the doors to the spray shop and had them recoloured softest taupe. An ebony toned floor and a sectional metal peninsula unit helped problem solve. As did a built in drawer dishwasher. A new colour scheme, new counters and accessories from Homesense sealed the deal. We decorate, therefore we are...